You can easily buy brisket whole packer online from us. The brisket is cut from the breast of the beef and can be divided into the point and the flat . The point is the fattest part, the flat is very thin.
A ‘whole packer’ is the whole piece of meat, so the point and the flat that are still attached to each other.
Slow cooking at low temperature gives a tender end result.
Brisket is a typical Texan BBQ specialty.
All our briskets consist of part point and part flat.
Since a whole brisket weighs over 10 pounds and this often does not fit on the grill, we offer the whole packer brisket in a 5.5-pound version.
Prepare this brisket from grass-fed beef via the Texas Crutch method
Recipe for brisket:
Brisket whole packer about 5.5 kg Check out the various recipes we have already tried Soon our own Youtube channel with recipes, tips and news.
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